Kundl Gorge
The Kundl Gorge is a popular outing destination for yound and old. A wide and well-maintained trail leads past mighty and bizarre rock formations. The riverbed is full of interesting stones and rocks.

The wide stream bed near the Kundler Klamm inn is full of interesting rocks and stones, which can be sued to build cairns.
A hike through the gorge is a delight for families and amateur geologists. The surrounding dolomite rock massif is 235 million years old, formed in the course of the formation of the Alps. Children and amateur geologists are delighted by the unusual stone finds on the banks of the stream. Legend has it that a dragon once lived here. A farmer killed it by trickery. In its death throes, the monster bit through the rock and thus the Kundler Klamm gorge was formed.
Excursion tips:
- the stream bed is full of a wide variety of geological rock types. Take your finds to Tirol's only stone turner workshop to have them ground, polished and processed into whatever shape you wish.
- as a final highlight, go for a ride in the fun train that operates between the gorge station and Mühltal several times a day.
- sturdy shoes and surefootedness are a requirement. We recommend avoiding gorge hikes in bad weather. The gorges are closed for safety reasons on rainy days and from November to April!
Opening hours
Winter closure from 15 November to the end of March from the Gasthaus Kundler Klamm!
Price information
Walking through the gorge is free of charge!
Parking fees apply Monday – Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Cars:
1 hour: € 1,00 / 4 hours: € 3,00 / day ticket: € 5,00 - Buses:
1 hour: € 7,00 / 4 hours: € 14,00 / day ticket: € 20,00
Free parking with disabled person's pass as per § 29b StVO
Camping is strictly forbidden at all times!
In the event of a contravention trespassers will be prosecuted!