Alpbach building style
How did this particular building style materialize

On the initiative of Kommerzialrat Alfons Moser, mayor of Alpbach from 1945 to 1979, the local authority issued a local planning bylaw in 1953, which made the traditional style of architecture in Alpbach mandatory for all new buildings. In August 1983 Alpbach was elected "Austria's Most Beautiful Village" in a television competition held by the ORF due to its homogeneous wooden style and flower arrangements.
The features of the Alpine building style are immediately visible to all. Only the ground floor of a house is stonework, from the first floor up walls must be clad in wood. There are several other specifications regarding roof inclination, roof tiles, building height and so on!
The only exception to these building regulations is the Congress Center Alpbach - a masterpiece that blends design, ambiance and functionality and sophisticated conference technology. So as to fit in with the homogenous architectural style the building was built into the slope. A glass spiral gives daylight to the buildings interior. The view from the terrace towards the village and the surrounding valley is unique.
Opening hours
Tourismusbüro Alpbach
Alpbach 404
6236 Alpbach