Safe on tour with your guide

Hiking guides in the Alpbachtal

Made for you

Certified hiking guides

Are you looking for a hiking guide? Here you can find all the Alpbachtal mountain hiking guides who will be happy to accompany you on your tour or put together your own individual programme!

Peter Schonner

Peter lives in Alpbach and has been a mountain hiking guide for four years. He loves nature and mountains and accompanies mountain lovers both in summer and winter on their way towards the summit or through the snowy winter landscape.

In summer, Peter guides Alpbachtal guests around the Gratlspitze every Wednesday as part of the Alpbachtal Card programme. If you would like to clmb a peak with him, then contact Peter and discuss your individual tour in the Alpbachtal mountains!

In winter, Peter takes accompanies you on a guided torchlight hike in Alpbach. Of course, he is happy to put together a tour tailored to your personal wishes and fitness level. No previous experience is necessary! 

Phone: +43 664 4279006


Ossi Stock

Ossi Stock from Kramsach knows the Rofan Mountains inside out. His big hiking stick with the little bell on it is his distinguishing feature.

In summer, Ossi offers the "Lakes and Culture Hike" as part of the Alpbachtal Card programme and shares interesting details about the lake area in Kramsach.

His best-known tour is the one up to Lake Zirein in the Rofan Range! Call him, he will be happy to accompany you to the mountain lake or to any other destination that you determine together! 

Phone: +43 664 2330321


Rabanser Resi

Mountain hiking and nature guide from Alpbach
Her motto is: experience nature with open eyes!

Tel.: +43 680 1124452


Johanna Haaser

Mountain hiking guide from Brandenberg.

Johanna lives in Brandenberg and looks after her highland cattle there as well as the rustic Pumphaus self-catering holiday home. 

In winter, Johanna accompanies guests on a wonderful snowshoe tour in Brandenberg as part of the Alpbachtal Card programme. If you are also interested in a guided tour, don't hesitate to call Johanna!

Phone: +43 699 17207671


Gerlinde Wimmer

Gerlinde Wimmer
Mountain hiking guide from Breitenbach
Tel. +43 664 75086256


Helmuth Lamprecht

Helmut Lamprecht
Mountain hiking guide from Kundl
Tel. +43 699 17174567

Sebastian Mayrhofer

Sebastian lebt in Alpbach und ist ein erfahrener Bergwanderführer. Er begleitet seine Gäste zu den unterschiedlichsten Gipfeln und Bergwandertouren.

Im Winter ist Sebastian als staatlich geprüfter Skilehrer und Skiführer aktiv und zeigt seinen Gästen die schönsten Plätze zum Erlernen des Skifahrens, Skitourengehen und zum Freeriden im freien Gelände.

Tel.: +43 664 3503611

Irmi Dessl

Irmi, a certified mountain hiking guide, will be happy to share her experiences with you and take you to the beautiful Tyrolean mountains. Experience great hikes together with Irmi whether in the Rofan Range or in the valley - she never runs out of ideas!

In winter, Irmi guides guests on snowshoes through the winter landscape on the Reither Kogel. The best way to discuss your individual tour is to contact her directly!

Phone: +43 699 12665957

Georg Leitner and Josef Rieser

Mountain hiking guide from Reith im Alpbachtal.
Their motto is: Discover yourself and feel the elemental forces of nature anew. 

Tel: +43 676 4709 048 (Leitner Georg)
Tel: +43 664 831 5699 (Rieser Josef)

Josef Rieser

Bergwanderführer aus Reith im Alpbachtal
Sein Motto lautet: Entdecken Sie sich selbst und spüren Sie die Urkräfte der Natur wieder neu. 

Tel: +43 664 831 5699 

Bernhard Rendl

Bernard ist Bergwanderführer aus Reith im Alpbachtal, sein Herz schlägt für Sport und Bewegung am Berg. Egal ob bei Wanderungen, Bike Touren oder beim sportlichen Fitnesstraining – er führt dich zu deinem Ziel, individuell abgestimmt auf deine Wünsche. Er zeigt dir die schönsten Ecken unserer Täler und Wälder und präsentiert außergewöhnliche Ausblicke. Die richtige Mischung aus Spaß und neuen sportlichen Herausforderungen!

Mit ihm kannst du geführte Wanderungen, E-Bike- oder Mountainbike Touren und im Winter sogar Schneeschuh oder Fackelwanderungen erleben. 

Sein Motto lautet: Entdecke dich selbst und spüre die Urkräfte der Natur wieder neu. 

Tel. +43 677 61287574