Brandenberger Prügeltorte

A unique speciality from Tyrol
There are many legends and true stories about the Brandenberg spit cake. None of relate to us that this method of cooking food over an open fire on a spit goes back to the beginnings of human culture. "Obelias", the name is probably derived from the Greek word obeliās, which means a loaf baked on a spit, were already enjoyed in ancient Greece. Recipes for Baumkuchen, Spießhut or Prügel have been handed down to us from the German monastery kitchens of the 15th century and from Venice.
Today, the spit cake is more appreciated as a representative and delicious pastry than ever before. During official visits, our spit cakes were presented to Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John II, among others, as "edible jewels".
Recipe for the Tyrolean Prügeltorte
Eggs, butter, sugar and flour are used to make an "egg dough". So called because each ingredient weighs the same as the eggs.
Then the beater, a conical wooden roller wrapped in parchment, is placed on a spit with a crank. With constant turning, layer after layer of the rather firm dough is dripped onto the roller and baked over an open fire until golden brown.
During the two-hour baking time, gentle turning and even drizzling is important,to obtain the beautiful brown surface with the characteristic peaks.